Archive for the 'Jon Leger Article Spinner' category

How to Use The Best Spinner by Jonathan Leger

The Best Spinner by Jonathan Leger has become a tool I use daily in my internet marketing business.  This is a simple article on How to use “The Best Spinner” by Jonathan Leger.

Learn to Use  The Best Spinner by Jon Leger

This is a Great Educational Video on  Article Spinning

My Online Goal

What I am trying to do is put as much content and as many links as possible in the time I am working online.  Pages, Links and Time is my Mantra.  In my mind what I want to do is put as many good pages of content and as many anchor text links to those pages as possible.

The Time factor has two meanings.  One I want to do as much as possible with the time I spend and two I want the content up there as long a time as possible. Older websites seem to rank better with Google.

How The Best Spinner Works

Once I have written an article I put that article into “The Best Spinner” and spin it.  This involves picking out appropriate alternative words for the article I have written.  This software is really good at helping me spin the article.  When I am done spinning the article I save it so I can use it or part of it again.  Then I push the spin button.  The software picks from the alternative words I have chosen and puts out a finished artilce.

How Good is “The Best Spinner” Output?

The output will depend on how diligent you are at writing and spinning your content.  I take my time while spinning to make sure each substitute word fits properly.   Some of the first articles I wrote and spun were a bit choppy.  I pushed too hard to have a lot of alternative words for each word and sometimes they came out a little choppy.  With Practice I have gotten better and I feel some of  my spun content is totally undetectable as having been spun.

Sample Output.

This is my original sentence:
I have taken this sentence and spun it in The Best Article Spinner by Jon Leger to show you what the output can look like.

  • I’ve utilized this particular sentence and spun it in The Best Spinner to exhibit you what the outcome can look like.
  • I’ve used this sentence as an example and spun it in The Best Article Spinner by Jon Leger to show you what the output may look like.
  • I have used this sentence as an example and spun the words in The Best Spinner to exhibit you what the output can look like.
  • I’ve utilized this particular sentence and spun it using The Best Spinner to show you what the output might look like.
  • I have taken this sentence and spun it in The Best Article Spinner by Jon Leger to exhibit you how the spun content can change.
  • I’ve used this sentence as an example and spun the words using The Best Article Spinner by Jon Leger to exhibit you what the end result may look like.

While writing this article I took my original sentence and spun it.  I did not spin this paragraph when I spun the finished article.

Steps to get Maximum Results from “The Best Spinner”

  1. Write one article a day.
  2. Spin the article
  3. Post it in ?? places with 4 links average in each post

I often have the spinner running with more than one article on the spinner.  Push the spin button 3 new pages.
Seperate the pages and add all three to the website or blog I am posting on with 4 links each.  12 links in 3 to 5 minutes.

Build 10 really well written well spun articles.

Build your landing pages you want to get traffic to.

Build a list of all the pages you have built  that you want to rank better.  Add 2 links to your money pages on every page you post.  If you can put more links on the page put the next three links toward the articles on the free (Web 2.0) sites that you are positing   your artilces on also.

How many links per month can you build this way?


Mistakes I have Made

Sometimes when I am writing I change from first person (I ) to second person (You) sometimes.  After I wrote this article I went back and made sure it was all in the first person before I spun it.  Also I always want to make sure I don’t change from single to multiple in the same sentence.

I am more diligent with my spun articles.  I go back and critically proof read them Before I spin them because if you have a mistake and then spin it then most of your output will have the mistake and it can be amplified by spinning.

I hope you enjoyed How to use The Best Spinner by Jonathan Leger.  It is an inexpensive yearly software program that I use daily.  I love it.

Here is a link to an instructional video on how to use The Best Spinner.

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The Best Spinner What is it?

Jan 29 2010 Published by under Article Spinning, Jon Leger Article Spinner

The Best Spinner What is it?
Article Spinning has been around for a long time.  Basically you write an article and then go back and rewrite the article by choosing alternative words and phrases that can be used instead of the original phrase.  Then the software rewrites the article using the alternative phrases you chose randomly.  This is the Article Spinning Sofware that  I now use.

Fully Automated Spinning
The problem with fully automated spinning is the results are obvious.  Words will be in the wrong tense and the article will not flow.  Many words will be in the article that just don’t fit.  Often the article will not be readable.

The Best Spinner is not fully automated spinning.
The Best Spinner is human spun.  All the words are chosen by the Human that is spinning the article.  Only words that fit properly into the sentence are to be chosen.  This is the best integration of a thesaurus into a spinning program that I have ever seen.  You have to check out this video to see what I mean.  The Best Spinner Video.

Mouse Clicking Spinning
It is a very simple mouse clicking spinner.   By that I mean you paste your article into the spinner and then you can pretty much navigate throughout the spinning process just by highlighting and clicking your mouse.  It is very ergonomically designed to be quick and effective.

My Weapon of Choice
Spinning software can be your secret weapon.  I have used three different spinners in the last three years.  I have put a lot of time into spinning articles.  It has paid off handsomely.  I have literally thousands of articles spread around the internet with links pointing at my money sites.  Many of these articles were spun before I posted them.  Or at least some of the content of most of my articles has been spun.

The Best Spinner has changed my Spinning
I have always used my spun articles as ammo.  I will write a few articles on a subject and spin them.  I title most paragraphs and  try to keep my paragraph to three or four sentences.  I spin these articles one at a time and then add them to my monster spin.

I take this monster spin and run it and put the results in one big “Monster text file”.  I have this Monster Text file open all the time.  I grab relevant paragraphs and add them into articles as I write them.

My Normal Article Production

I will come up with a keyword for an article and write a about it.   Then I add pictures and links to the article and post it on the Home Site.  Next I copy this article into “” I spin the article, save it to my “Home site” and start posting the article all over the internet.

As of this writing The Best Spinner is just coming out of Beta.  I have been a part of the testing crew while in Beta and it has changed my  spinning completely.

Sign up for my newsletter at Build a WordPress Website and I will send you a free step by step article on how I use the Best Spinner.

I almost exclusively build pages on WordPress websites so I spin in WordPress HTML.  I think in WordPress.  I store all my thoughts in WordPress.  I am not an expert on Joomla or CSS or HTML but I know how to use a few terms.  I know Links.  Here is what I cover in my articles.

The basics of  Article Spinning

Basic Spinning 101

Where to store your Articles?

What is nested spinning?

Spinning your Links–I am not talking Golf here.

Double Spinning your Links–is your head spinning yet?

Spinning Commission Junction links

Spinning Problems

Spinning Pictures

Where to put your Spun Articles

How to benefit from a spun article

Spinning your Wheels–How to Waste Time

The Best Spinner What is it?

The Best Spinner What is it and How to Use It  Free at Build a WordPress

Check out the Jon Leger Video on using The Best Spinner.

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