Archive for the 'Niche Hoard' category

Niche Horde Tested

Oct 11 2009 Published by under Newbie Niche Picking, Niche Hoard

Niche Horde Tested

The New Software Niche Horde is going to be tested by Build a WordPress Website as soon as it is released. It is a web based system that discovers and processes your niche analysis while you sleep. It is an online niche analyser and developer. You put in the niche you are interested in and Niche Horde will search for and analyze keywords. As it is searching for your words it is building a database.

Niche Horde just Blew Me Away

I am absolutely blown away.   There are three keys to a successful adsense website.  The pages need to have decent traffic, The keywords need to not be very competitive, and Adsense needs to pay well for the keyword.
This software allows you to find keywords with low competition that pay well and have decent traffic.

Spend your Time building web pages not doing Niche Research.  In a little over an hour this morning I built keyword lists for 12 different niches.  Previously I have spent about two hours with Niche Horde getting a handle on the different search options.

In a little over two hours I have lined up enough work for me and a few friends for weeks.

Buy Niche Horde now and build your niche sites.—This is the best recommendation I have for this product–  $97 a year.

The Heart of your Website Building

Finding and deciding on an Niche is the heart of your website building.  Until now it has been hit or miss and now you can pinpoint great niches with several related keywords to work on.  This makes it easy to Pick your Niche.

Are you Always Asking What Niche Should I work on?

Are you like so many others and having trouble deciding on a niche? So you have problems finding juicy high paying adwords keywords to work on?

Jon Leger has solved your problem. Jon is a very well known website builder and programmer. He has built several Very successful internet marketing programs.

Jon Leger’s Software

There are a few common links between all of Jonathon’s Sofware programs. They are all designed to help you make money with your websites. He is a master at building links and has two very popular programs called 1 way links and Three way links. Another of his more popular programs is Answer analyst and is designed to help you build web pages.

Here is a link to the Niche Hoard by Jonathan Leger Preview Video

Here are some questions and answers direct from Jonathon Leger’s Blog.

***”When will I be able to purchase Niche Horde?

Soon. I can’t give an exact date, but as soon as the beta testing is over (and I expect it to be over within a week), I’ll make the system available to everyone.

How much will Niche Hoard cost?

I’m considering an annual cost of between $27 and $67 a year. I’m not completely decided yet. What I do know is that it will not be expensive. After all, each user helps grow and improve the system by having the Niche Horde client software installed on their own computer.

“Comment by Rick–Normally Jonathon gives a New release special price that is good for the first week or two, then the price goes up and stays up. I will be buying Niche Hoard as soon as it is available.”

What are the system requirements?

The software requires a Windows computer (98/ME/XP/Vista) that has the .NET Framework 2.0 installed (most already do). I’m sorry, but it won’t run on a Mac.

How big is the database of keywords?

With only a few dozen beta testing users, the database achieved 32,000+ keywords in its first 16 hours of operation. That should give you some idea of how quickly the database will reach into the millions of keywords, with thousands of available niche markets.

How does the database grow?

Niche Horde is continually fed new keywords to analyze and expand by finding related keywords. It’s fed new keywords by users, and by other outside sources that continually grow the database. So the database actively grows and expands without any work on the part of its users.

How is the competition (SOC) determined?
The number of competing sites is determined by querying Google for the number of results that 1) have the keywords in the title and 2) have the keywords in links coming into the page. Those are your only real competition. Sites that only have the keywords in the title or in the body of the page, but have no links into those pages containing the keywords, aren’t real competition.”


I think that Niche Horde by Jon Leger will be another hit software program. He always prices his sofware very competitively.  Jon’s software is always very well docummented and simple to use.  I like the yearly fee idea instead of a monthly fee.  Jonathan has decided to name it Niche Horde, not Niche Hoard.

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